Uncovering the Benefits of an Elimination Diet for Weight Loss

The elimination diet is a popular approach to functional nutrition that has been used to identify food sensitivities associated with an inability to shed pounds. This diet involves temporarily eliminating certain foods for a specific period of time, while all other aspects of the diet remain flexible. Biomarkers are used to help design a personalized nutrition plan in accordance with the elimination diet, and dietary supplements are often recommended to help achieve desired weight loss results. To learn more about this approach, here are five things to know and tips to get started. The popular paleo diet is an example of an elimination diet, allowing only meats, nuts, vegetables and some fruits, while avoiding cereals, dairy products, legumes and sugars.

Alternatively, diets that exclude individual food groups such as dairy or wheat can also be used. When following an elimination diet, it is important to remember that losing weight isn't necessarily the same as being healthier, and there are many other ways to achieve health. When beginning an elimination diet, it is essential to document and report on progress using a shared Google campaign. This includes measurements, images, biomarkers and a food diary (as needed) to obtain ongoing feedback and accountability. The dish should consist of 25% lean proteins, 25% complex carbohydrates and dietary fats, and 50% fruits and vegetables. Before starting your elimination diet, it is important to consider the use of motivational interviewing and self-determination theory in this approach to functional nutrition.

This will help ensure that the client is motivated and determined to make the necessary changes. At some point during the elimination diet process, you might consider reintroducing small amounts of a food you've been sensitive to in the past to see what you can tolerate. This will help determine which component of the functional nutrition approach led to success. Despite being called dieting, it has nothing to do with weight loss or dieting in the traditional sense. An elimination diet can be a great way to identify food sensitivities that may be preventing you from achieving your desired weight loss goals. By following these tips and understanding the ins and outs of this approach to functional nutrition, you can start your journey towards a healthier lifestyle.