What foods make up 90% of food allergies?

Nine foods in particular account for more than 90% of serious allergic reactions, such as anaphylaxis. The list includes milk, eggs, fish, shellfish, nuts, peanuts, wheat, soy and sesame. According to the FDA, only 8 different foods are responsible for up to 90% of allergic reactions in the United States, in both children and adults. We hope that the above has helped to minimize any potential food allergies that you or someone you know may have.

So how can you care for guests with food allergies and prepare food that's both safe and tasty? Check out our recipes here. When you're preparing food for a group, it can quickly become impossible to serve everyone at the same time without preparing separate dishes. In 2004, the FDA enforced the Food Allergen Labeling and Consumer Protection Act to help Americans avoid risky foods. Food allergy symptoms range from mild reactions, such as reddening of the skin or tingling of the lips and mouth, to reactions that can be very serious, such as swelling of the airways and difficulty breathing.

Most food allergies are mild and can only be triggered by eating that particular food, but some very serious allergies mean that the person cannot even be in the same room as another person eating the food they are sensitive to without reacting. There's no cure for food allergies, but a doctor or nutritionist can help you determine exactly what food or part of the food you're allergic to. A food allergy is a reaction to something you've eaten, causing your body to respond as if it were fighting poison. While most people only experience a mild reaction to food allergies, an allergic reaction can be fatal if the person experiences anaphylactic shock.