The Benefits of an Alkaline Diet: What You Need to Know

The alkaline diet is based on the idea that certain foods can cause the body to produce acid, which can be detrimental to health. The goal is to maintain a healthy pH level by consuming certain foods or drinks. Studies have shown that acid-forming foods have a pH lower than 7, while alkaline foods have a pH higher than 7.However, research has not been able to prove that an alkaline diet or supplements are beneficial for bone health.An alkaline diet has been linked to reducing inflammation and potentially decreasing the risk of diseases such as cancer. Additionally, some chemotherapy agents require a higher pH to work properly.

The alkaline diet, also known as the alkaline ash diet or the alkaline acid diet, has become popular among its followers. According to the Mayo Clinic, there is some evidence that following an alkaline diet can help preserve muscle mass and muscles burn more calories.An alkaline diet is designed to help balance the blood pH level of body fluids, including blood and urine. One of the anti-aging effects of an alkaline diet is that it decreases inflammation and increases growth hormone production. It is believed that consuming too many acidic foods can be harmful, while eating alkaline or neutral foods can improve your health.

For people with chronic diseases, including cancer, it's important to note that there is no clinical evidence to support the value and safety of an “alkaline” diet and, in some cases, it can be harmful.The alkaline diet is one of many fad diets that claim to improve your health, help you lose weight and even fight cancer. Limiting the consumption of acid-forming foods and eating more alkaline foods may facilitate weight loss because of the diet's ability to lower leptin levels and inflammation. Since alkaline foods are anti-inflammatory, eating an alkaline diet gives your body a chance to achieve normal leptin levels and feel satisfied by consuming the amount of calories it actually needs.It is believed that cancer prevention may be associated with an alkaline change in pH due to an alteration in electrical charges and the release of basic components of proteins. While the focus is on healthy plant-based foods, the alkaline diet is not designed for weight loss and there are no guidelines for portion control or fitness routines, which the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends to prevent diseases.There are many diets out there, some good and some bad, but perhaps none are better for longevity and disease prevention than an alkaline diet based mainly on plants.