Do I Have a Fiber Deficiency? Signs, Symptoms, and Solutions

One of the most common signs of fiber deficiency is chronic constipation or diarrhea. This is because fiber helps add bulk to stools and, in general, keeps the digestive system regular. A lack of fiber can also cause other digestive problems, such as bloating, gas, and abdominal pain. Try not to add too much fiber to your diet all at once, as you may have symptoms such as bloating, cramps or gas.

These symptoms are temporary, but can be uncomfortable. You can avoid them by increasing your fiber intake slowly as your body begins to adapt to a high-fiber diet. Be sure to drink more water as the amount of fiber increases, as water helps your body digest fiber and get rid of it easily. Of course, there are many factors that can contribute to weight gain, but often the culprits are a lack of fiber and its symptoms. While fiber can help reduce weight gain by maintaining a feeling of fullness after a meal (as mentioned above) and by balancing blood sugar levels, the opposite is also one of the main symptoms of fiber deficiency.

A fiber deficiency in your diet can cause you to eat more because you'll never be satisfied, which will inevitably lead to weight gain. You're hungry even after eating. Eating more fiber can help you feel full for longer, which is known as satiety. A study shows that people who consume more fiber have less appetite and eat less energy-dense foods, meaning they can consume fewer calories and even lose a little weight. However, other studies are less conclusive.

A review study found that only certain types of fiber increase satiety. These included whole grain rye, rye bran, oats, barley, and a few others. In addition, a handful of foods, such as Fiber One cereals and carrots, can help you eat less energy-dense and more caloric foods, such as high-fat meats and fried foods. Since most of us don't consume enough fiber, it's worth a try. Learn how to eat more whole grains. That constipation may be due to a lack of fiber in your diet.

Insoluble fiber moves around the body relatively intact, so it adds bulk to the stool, giving the colon something substantial for it to expel. Some soluble fibers are viscous and retain water, which can also help with bowel movements. When fiber helps food move through the digestive tract consistently and smoothly, it can reduce constipation. If you eat too little fiber, waste moves through the digestive system more slowly, causing you to swell and get stuck. Add more fiber to your diet by eating seeds, fruits, quinoa, whole wheat bread, and other whole grains.

Once you do, your body may form loose, bulky stools that can be evacuated more easily. Here are some foods that help fight constipation. If your cholesterol levels are high, certain soluble fibers can improve your levels. The Mayo Clinic recommends sources of soluble fiber such as oats, oat bran, barley, flaxseed, beans, apples, pears and plums. These can lower low-density lipoprotein (bad) cholesterol.

As fiber passes through the body, cholesterol attaches to it and goes with it. When you don't have enough fiber, cholesterol doesn't have as many opportunities to leave your body and is more likely to enter your bloodstream. Lowering cholesterol may also have benefits for heart health. You need to take a nap after eating. Most people won't feel this effect but if you have diabetes or another metabolic condition you might want to sleep after eating.

Try increasing fiber in your diet to reduce sugar absorption and stabilize blood sugar levels. In particular look for soluble fibers such as beans. A healthy diet that includes lots of fiber can also help reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. The most common and obvious sign of a lack of fiber is stomach problems in particular constipation. Other digestion problems such as bloating and diarrhea can also be caused by a fiber deficiency. This is because fiber is what attracts water to the stool allowing it to pass smoothly through the intestines.

Over time constipation can lead to stomach pain and even nausea so be sure to increase your fiber intake if you suffer from constipation. The best breakfast to increase your fiber intake is Uprising Bread - yes you can get your daily dose of dietary fibers by eating delicious toast!For every 7 grams of dietary fibers consumed per day the risk of heart disease decreases by 9 percent according to a review of 22 studies published in the British Medical Journal. This is because the body does not break down or absorb dietary fibers so it takes longer for them to pass through the digestive system which contributes to that feeling of fullness and therefore combats excessive snacking or cravings between meals. Fiber also helps stabilize and balance blood sugar levels so if they're out of control due to a lack of dietary fibers you'll have signs of a low-fiber diet such as being hungry for more shortly after a meal which is a warning sign of dietary fibers deficiency. Fiber specifically soluble fibers (the ones that absorb water) has been shown to help lower cholesterol by reducing the absorption of cholesterol in the system and expelling it from the body before it can clog the arteries. Fiber is needed to help stabilize the release of these carbohydrates and balance blood sugar levels. Even if you include other foods that fill you up such as healthy fats and proteins but you still find yourself taking root in the pantry soon after it's probably due to a lack of dietary fibers. Following a high-fiber diet helps soften stools increase stool weight and reduce the time spent in the colon which makes stools easier to eliminate “Good” bacteria need dietary fibers to stay alive and healthy and without them other microbes can easily take over and unbalance your microbiome. And last but not least high-fiber foods require more chewing and take longer for digestion which helps keep us feeling full for longer periods.